2 Months

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Developmental Milestones

  • Language: At this point, most babies will be talking through Coos, Gurgles, and Babbles. They will recognize sounds and will often turn their heads towards it. 

  • Brain Development: The growing baby brain can recognize faces and begin to follow moving things with their eyes. You will also see that babies can get bored. If you keep doing just one activity with them, they can get fussy and begin to cry. 

  • Movement:  At this age, the baby will be able to hold their head up by themselves. They can also use their arms out when they are on their tummies. It is normal for kids this age to keep putting their hands to their mouths. They’re growing, and you will see they’ll have an easier time moving their arms and their legs. 

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 Babies will be able to show emotions. They can turn to people’s faces and show a pretty smile. When they get upset or cry, they can calm themselves but only for a short while. Something to look forward to is that, at this age, they may begin to recognize your face. Children, at this age, don’t have separation anxiety, meaning they won’t react to meeting new people.

Did You Know

Kids at this age will drink about 16 to 32 ounces of breastmilk a day. 

If you place a mirror in front of a baby, they won’t recognize that they are looking back at their own face. They will still be interested though and even smile back at what they see.

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Action Items

  • Keep talking to your baby, and look forward to your baby beginning to recognize your voice and face.

  • Look for bright colored soft toys and objects they can touch. Just don’t overdo it because babies can get overwhelmed.